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Bonjour, pourriez vous m'aider je dois laisser un message vocal a Fiona sur son répondeur en anglais bien entendu "vous avez été invité(e) par fiona à passer une semaine en irlande. laissez un message sur son répondeur pour lui dire ce que vous aimeriez visiter ou non et pourquoi. n’oubliez pas de vous présenter au début du message et d’utiliser des formules de politesse" (5ème)
Merci beaucoup!

Sagot :

Réponse :

Hi Fiona, how are you? I'm (ton prénom et nom) and i have (ton âge) years old. I called you for you say thank you so much for the invitation for go to Ireland with you! I'm so exiding! :) Can we please go to Dublin? In my childhood, i want too much to visit Dublin. Dublin Castle is apparently excellent :p and I am too curious! I also want to try the Irish speciality... it's uh... Irish Stew. It's a dish of lamb and veal and lots of vegetables. I would not like to go to Kilmainham Gaol. Can we please not go? Anyway, I'll explain it all when we talk because I'm not really into voicemails please. Thank you again for the invitation. Have a nice day !

Explications :

Quand il y a des parenthèses, il faut remplir ce qu'il y a écrit. Voila. J'espère que je t'ai aidé! Bye ;)

Good afternoon Fiona! It’s….. from …

I just received your message and i’d love to go to ireland to meet you! Ireland is one of the many countries on my bucket list and i really would like to visit all the very famous attractions with you if you don’t mind, like The Cliffs of Moher, which are very beautiful cliffs, Grafton street in Dublin, Glendalough and many more! Thank you for inviting me and i hope we have a great trip!

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