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Exercise 3: complete le texte avec ces verbes au preterit simple.
React - ask-not/know-hear* - be* - start -decide - happen-help-suffer-launch
Last month, I.
that some students in my school..
from bullying. 1
because ! ................... this ........................in my school. I.
to start, a campaign. I..
the students to help me, and they really.
.........a lot! Three days after we .............................. the campaign, many
......... to say they were victims. Then the teachers also ....
I was so happy to heip! What
about your school?

Sagot :

I heard

some students in my school suffered

I was really surprised

I didn't know this happened in my school

I decided to start a campaign

I asked all the students to help me

They really helped a lot

Three days after we launched the campaign

Many students started to say

Then the teachers also reacted

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