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Exercice 2: Conjugue les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit 1. / (go) to Brighton last year.

2. She (write) to her friend Kevin.:

3. Yesterday, he (play) football with Julien. :.

4.I (speak) to my uncle on the phone. :

5. Mary (buy) a present for Camilla. 6. My mother (be) there yesterday. :

7.I (see) Maeva when I went shopping. :

8. Did your mother (drive) you to school?

9. He (bring) candies for the pupils. : 10.1 (work) in this shop when I was 16.​

Sagot :


1 went

2 wrote


4 spoken

5 bought

6 was

7 saw

8 drove

9 brought

10 worked



Réponse :

1.  I went  to Brighton last year. 

go: verbe irrégulier

2. She wrote to her friend Kevin.

write : verbe irrégulier

3. Yesterday, he played football with Julien.

play : verbe régulier

 4.I spoke to my uncle on the phone.

speak : verbe irrégulier

5. Mary bought a present for Camilla.

buy : verbe irrégulier

6. My mother was there yesterday.

be : verbe irrégulier  ( was /were )

7.I saw Maeva when I went shopping.

see : verbe irrégulier 

8. Did your mother drive you to school? 

drive : verbe régulier.

Ici  forme interrogative : Did + sujet + base verbale ...?

( La marque du prétérit est uniquement dans l'auxiliaire "Did" )

9. He brought candies for the pupils.

bring : verbe irrégulier

10. I worked in this shop when I was 16.​

work : verbe régulier
