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Une histoire qui fait peur en 20 ligne je suis en 3ème

Sagot :

Réponse :

Five and a half years ago, two 12-year-old girls lured their friend into the Waukesha woods of Wisconsin and stabbed her 19 times. Why? To please Slender Man.

Now 17, the victim of the senseless attack that rocked parents to their cores, Payton Leutner, is speaking out for the first time. She says she “wouldn’t be” who she is today if not for the misdeeds of her then-friends, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier. Payton accepts the scars she now carries, both physical and psychological, saying, “It’s just a part of me. I don’t think much of them. They will probably go away and fade eventually.” But the memory of the horrific attack will never fade. It will remain a stain on pop culture history as that time an Internet meme inspired a real-life attempted murder.

c'est l'histoir du slender man si tu veux la suite ej peux te la raconter

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