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Recopie ces phrases en ajoutant a, an, ou Ø.
I have ... apple in my bag. .
There are ... peaches and ... Strawberries for dessert.
In my lunch box today I have ... ham sandwich.
My best friend loves... popcorn.
For dessert, there's ... big chocolate cake.
Today you can have ... chips or ... rice.

Sagot :

Réponse :I have an apple in my bag. .
There are some peaches and some Strawberries for dessert.
In my lunch box today I have a ham sandwich.
My best friend loves ? popcorn.
For dessert, there's a big chocolate cake.
Today you can have chips or rice.

Explications :


1) an

2) rien et rien

3) a

4) rien

5) a

6) rien