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4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 ..... (buy) fresh eggs from the farm if ...... (be) you. 2 It ............. (be) nice if the hunting of animals (stop). 3 If we .............. (have) more recycling bins, we (not/have) a problem with waste. 4 If public transport .............. (be) free, less people ........... duse) their cars.​

Sagot :


1) I would buy fresh eggs from the farm if I were you.

2) It would be nice if the hunting of the animals stopped.

3) If we had more recycling bins, we would not have a problem with waste.

4) If public transport were free, less people would use their cars.

Passe une bonne journée x)

Bonsoir !

1 Iwould buy fresh eggs from the farm if I were you (ici c’est were oui)

2 It would be nice if if the hunting of animals stopped

3 If we had more recycling bins, we would not have a problem with waste

4 If public transport was free, less people would use their cars

voilà c’est avec plaisir !
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