Connectez-vous avec une communauté de passionnés sur Obtenez des réponses précises et complètes à vos questions de la part de notre communauté de professionnels bien informés.

Make past simple 'wh' questions:
1. (where / you/ go to school?)
where are you go to school
2. (when/she/arrive?)
3. (why / he / cat so much?)
4. (what/they/ do yesterday?)
5. (who / you/ meet at the party?)
6. (how/she/ come to work this morning?)
7. (where/1/leave my glasses?)
8. (when/he/get home last night?)
9. (what/you/ do at the weekend?)
10. (why/she/get angry?)
Quelqu’un peut me donner les réponses ?

Sagot :


1/ Where did you go to school ?

2/ When did she arrive ?

3/ Why does he love cat so much ?

4/ What did they do yesterday ?

5/ Who did you meet at the party ?

6/ How did she come to work this morning ?

7/ Where did I leave my glasses ?

8/ When did he get home last night ?

9/ What did you do at the weekend ?

10/ Why did she get angry ?

Voilà j’espère t’avoir aidé
Have a good day