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Je dois faire ce devoir en anglais quelqu’un peut m’aider svp

Je Dois Faire Ce Devoir En Anglais Quelquun Peut Maider Svp class=

Sagot :

1) Billy Elliott lives in a small house with his brother and his father. They are very strict with him and not very empathic. His house is kinda small because his father’s job is not enough money for the family. ( and his grandma ? Je ne me rappelle plus très bien du film)

2) The teacher want Billy to dance because she can see that he has a talent, that he can dance and that it’s going to be a waste of talent if he stop dancing.

3) At first, Billy’s father and brother don’t want him to dance because they think that it’s not a man sport. Billy’s father want him to do boxe. But when they realise that he has a real talent in dancing they start to be more involved and they want him to success in what he is doing.

Ensuite pour la 4) il faut décrire la dernière scène du film où Billy monte dans un bus.

Et la 5) et 6) ça doit être ton avis personnel sur qui est ton personnage préférée, pourquoi ? Et qu’elle était ta scène préférée et pourquoi.

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