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Transformer au présent perfect :
My family lives in a small house. It is simple but pretty. It has a large garden. I like to work in the garden but my sister hates to work in the garden. She prefers to read. She reads in the morning, in the afternoon and at night.i give all of the vegetables to mom and dad. They like to cook in our small kitchen. I eat any vegetable but my sister eats only a few.

Svp aidez moi je suis en 4eme

Sagot :

Réponse :

My family has lived in a small house. It has been simple but pretty. It has had a large gardenbut my sister has hated to work in the garden. She has prefered to read. She has read in the morning, in the afternoon. and at night. I have given all of the vegetables to mom and dad. They have liked to cook in our small kitchen. I have eaten any vegetable but my sister has eaten only few.

Explications :

Pour appliquer le present perfect tu utilises :

Have conjugué au présent en fonction du sujet + Participe passé

Rappel :

Participe passé :

Régulier : BV+ -ed

Irrégulier : 3eme colonne de ton tableau de verbe irrégulier

J'esepere que ca tas aider

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