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Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the verbs: join, raise, participate, volunteer, manage. 1 Last summer, Pete ... animal reserve in South Africa. Working with elephants was a great experience! 2 While we were in Los Angeles, We..... in the Coastal Clean-up Day 3 When we were in London, we joined a charity event and managed to..... a lot of money for the homeless. 4 Josh ..... to climb the 1,576 steps of the Empire State Building in record time! 5 Last summer, l ........a charity that delivers meals to people who can't buy or prepare their own.
Please vous pouvez m'aider ​

Sagot :



Réponse :

 1 Last summer, Pete volunteered (... ) animal reserve in South Africa. Working with elephants was a great experience!

2 While we were in Los Angeles, We participated in the Coastal Clean-up Day

3 When we were in London, we joined a charity event and managed to raise  a lot of money for the homeless.

4 Josh managed to climb the 1,576 steps of the Empire State Building in record time!

5 Last summer, l joined a charity that delivers meals to people who can't buy or prepare their own.

Explications :

Sauf erreur de ma part, il manque de mots danns la phrase 1.

On pourrait mettre : Last Summer, Peter volunteered in an animal reserve in South Africa.


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