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Bonjour pouvez-vous m'aider avec cet exercice d’anglais svp

choisir deux images d'addiction et imaginer l'histoire what happened what's is happening , au moins 10 ligne

merci énormément de votre aide ​

Bonjour Pouvezvous Maider Avec Cet Exercice Danglais Svpchoisir Deux Images Daddiction Et Imaginer Lhistoire What Happened Whats Is Happening Au Moins 10 Ligne class=

Sagot :



This kid got addicted to spending his time on his computer more than spending time on human interaction,and everyone thought that it was weird but what they did not understand is that this kid at first was a very playful,energetic,and active boy he always wanted to play with kids his age and spend time with some friends but the problem was that he never felt like he fit in anywhere,he always felt alienated and different from everyone, Because of that he found his refuge with video games on his computer he started spending hours and hours to it slowing becoming a coping mechanism and an addiction to him.


j'ai choisi le 1ère image de garçon avec l'ordinateur :)

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