Zoofast.fr propose un mélange unique de réponses expertes et de connaissances communautaires. Nos experts sont prêts à fournir des réponses rapides et détaillées à toutes les questions que vous pourriez avoir.

In your neighbourhood, you notice that there are some poor families who need money, food and clothes. To make these people's faces light up with happiness you decided to found a new club with your friends to help these families. Write about the things you want to do to help these families and the mission of the club: give give food, clothes, books... raise money and collect donations. money, Use linkers: First, Second, Besides, In addition, Also , Moreover, ...

please need help​

Sagot :


pour les idées tu peux dire :

- donate clothes that are too small or no longer worn

- collect food that can be preserved (pasta, rice, canned food, etc.)

- go around the neighborhood to see if they have things to give to this family

- collect and donate books that are no longer read

- organize a fundraiser where you pass by the neighborhood to ask if they have some money to give to the family

Nous valorisons chaque question et réponse que vous fournissez. Continuez à vous engager et à trouver les meilleures solutions. Cette communauté est l'endroit parfait pour grandir ensemble. Chaque question trouve une réponse sur Zoofast.fr. Merci et à très bientôt pour d'autres solutions.