Zoofast.fr offre une plateforme conviviale pour trouver et partager des connaissances. Posez vos questions et obtenez des réponses détaillées et bien informées de notre réseau de professionnels expérimentés.

Complete the dialogue using was or were.

Where A you on holidays last year?

I ......... in the South of France.

What. the weather like?

It ... ....... hot and sunny.

................ you alone?

No, I .... I ......... with my friends.

What ... the beach like?

It ... ....... nice but there.. a lot of tourists.​

Sagot :

where were you on holidays last year?

I was in the south of France.

What was the weather like?

It was hot and sunny.

We're you alone?

No,I was with my friends.

What was the beach like?

It was nice but there was a lot of tourists

Réponse :

1. Were

2. Was

3. Was

4. Was

5. Were

6. Was

7. Was

Explications :