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BONJOUR,pouvez vous m’aider au plus vite svp?? Prsk jdoit le rendre pour demain
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For (all / no) pioneers, life on the trail was hard.
It meant walking (many / much) miles a day for
(no / some) months. There wasn't (many / much)
time to rest or play. It was also a risky journey:
(several / a few) dangers awaited the pioneers,
there were (no / some) rivers to cross and (no /
some) bridges to do so. Once they arrived, they
had to face (many / much) challenges with very
(few / little) help. (Some / Any) pioneers built
their own houses and they made (some / many)
new furniture too.

Sagot :


For all pioneers, life on the trail was hard.

It meant walking many miles a day for

some months. There wasn't much

time to rest or play. It was also a risky journey:

a few dangers awaited the pioneers,

there were no rivers to cross and

some bridges to do so. Once they arrived, they

had to face many challenges with very

few help. Some pioneers built

their own houses and they made man

new furniture too.


For all pioneers ….

It meant walking many miles a day for some months .

There wasn’t much time to rest or play .

It was also a risky journey several dangers awaited the pioneers , there were some rivers to cross and no bridges to do so.

Once they arrived they had to face many challenges with very little help.

Some pioneers built their own houses and they made many new furniture too.

Have a good day
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