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hello guys im sorry i will be so gratful if you will help me in this paragraph ...... the teacher ask us to write a paragraph about the possible changes in the next decade (10 years ) and we should talk about tchnologi , education , eating habits and medicines ...ext thanks you sm

Sagot :


today, the humanity is evolving , in every minute in every second step by step we become better as a developed society where everyone is doing a big effort to become the best we are looking up for a good future with big success.

due to our hardwork there will be some changes in tge future within 10 years we might be able to change a lot of things including the education the eating habits the medicines and the technology example :

in a decade we might be able to replace books with advanced electronic devices like pc and tablets , maybe the teacher could be a smart robot or even better , in the future we might find some robot employees doing human jobs and making their lives easier maybe , we will have some medecines that can chase away any sickness or some others that can regeneer human cells.

as a part of the society I believe that everything is possible for us if we work hard to reach it and thanks.