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complete your postcard to your mum and dad from the resort. Put the verbs into the preterite.

- Complete la carte postale que tenia te parents depuis la station de sal Mets tes verbes au préterit.

Dear Mum and Dad,

Banff is just wonderfull The mountains are amazing and I…….(go) sking for the first time tast
Monday! Okay, I Cato so often that my bum is a little sore. But after two days of eating snow,
I finally……… (get) it and yesterday Lucie and her family……(take) me on the ski-uft to the top of the resort. The views…….(be) breathtaking, and I……..(be) worried sick about
skiing back to the village but I……. (do) really well. They……(not / wait) for me too
much and we……… (have) a break in a charming log cabin. I'm having the best of times!
Lots of love,

Voir commentaire si besoins / merciiiiii

Sagot :

Bonjour !

Voici ma réponse:

1. Went

2. Got

3. Took

4. Were

5. Was

6. Did

7. Didn't wait

8. Had


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