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Vous pouvez m’aider s’il vous plaît Find the correct combination of words (one word from line A
and another from line B) corresponding to each definition.
A. global - greenhouse - acid - ice - endangered
B. species - warming - melting - effect - rain
- the gradual rise in the earth's temperature:
- when the heat gets trapped in the earth's atmosphere:
- rain mixed with toxic chemicals from factories:
- what happens when ice gets warmer and warmer:
- some animals which are on the verge of extinction:

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Explications :

The Gradual rise in the earth's temperature : Global Warming
When the heat gets trapped in the earth's atmosphere : Greenhouse effect
Rain mixed with toxic chemicals from factories : Acid rain

What happens when ice gets warmer and warmer : Ice Melting

Some animals which are on the verge of extinction : Endangered Species


Réponse :

A. global - greenhouse - acid - ice - endangered

B. species - warming - melting - effect - rain

- the gradual rise in the earth's temperature: global warming

- when the heat gets trapped in the earth's atmosphere: greenhouse effect

- rain mixed with toxic chemicals from factories: acid rain

- what happens when ice gets warmer and warmer: ice melting

- some animals which are on the verge of extinction: endangered species

Explications :

- l'augmentation progressive de la température terrestre :

le réchauffement climatique

- lorsque la chaleur est piégée dans l'atmosphère terrestre :

effet de serre

- pluie mêlée de produits chimiques toxiques provenant des usines :

pluie acide

- que se passe-t-il lorsque la glace devient de plus en plus chaude :

la fonte des glaces

- certains animaux en voie d'extinction :

espèces menacées