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bonsoir quelqu'un peut aider mon fils svp.. il doit décrire une famille au hazard en ANGLAIS.. merci a vous​

Sagot :


Heu, I'm ... I am ... years old. I have short blond hair. I'm a english boy who lives with my family in London.

My father, his name is ... and he is ... years old. He is very tall ! he has short brown hair he is crary and nice but when he is angry, he is extremly frightening.

My mother, her name is ... and she is ... years old. She is shorter than my father bat she is quite tall. She is very happiness,she is beautyful also I thinks she is the most clever woman.

And I have a sister, her name is ... she is ... years old. She is a littlebit borring but she is nice, she is easy-going.

It's the best family, I loves them !!


sur les pointillés il faut mettre soit un nom ( le 1er et après name is) soit un âge (avant years old)