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bonjour j aurai besoin d aide pour ce dm​

Bonjour J Aurai Besoin D Aide Pour Ce Dm class=

Sagot :

1)On Saturday mornings, Isabella usually get up late and do the housework.
2) This Saturday , Isabella is getting married so she got up early.
3) On Christmas day, Mark usually go to his parents’ house, opens his presents and eat lunch at 2.00 in the afternoon.
4) This Christmas, Mark and his wife are in Australia, visiting their friends. Instead of having lunch with his family, they went to church in the morning. Now, there are eating barbecue next to the swimming pool because it’s hot
1)On my birthday, I sometimes go out with friends, or I go out to a restaurant. My mum usually makes me a birthday cake.
This birthday is different. Now he’s having a big party with he’s friends. They are dancing and singing. They’re eating delicious food and cakes, and drinking sweet drinks. Leo is wearing a blue jumber.

Q1: On Saturday mornings, Isabel usually get up late and do the housework. Then she meet some of her friends in town for lunch.

Q2: Actually, this Saturday is different.
This morning, Isabel got up early because today she is getting married.

Q3: On Christmas Day, Mark usually go to his parent’s house. He open all of his presents then have a big lunch.

Q4: This Christmas is different.
Mark and his wife are in Australia. They are visiting some of their friends. And then they were having a barbecue next the swimming pool. It’s burning hot so they were in their swimsuit.

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