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Bonjour j’aimerais que vous m’aider pour l’exercice : comparer les éléments suivants en employant les adjectifs proposer :

alors la première question c’est :
1-The nile is …… the Mississippi (long)
2-The thames is…….the seine (short)
3- Mont blanc is much…… ben nevis (high)
4- France is…… sweden (big)
5-The weather is florida…than in english(hot)
6- Travelling by plane is…travelling by car but it is…… (fast) (expensive)
7-Staying at a hotel is…. camping (comfortable)
8-hitch-hiking is….. tacling a taxi but it’s( dangerous)

Sagot :


Réponse :

1. Longer than

2.Shorter than

3.Higher than

4.Bigger than

5.Not English / Pas Anglais

6.Faster than ; more expensive

7.More comfortable than

8.More dangerous than

Explications :


C une blague :)

It's a joke :)

Voici les réponses:
1-The Nile is longer than the Mississippi
2-The thames is shorter than the seine
3-Mont blanc is much higher than ben nevis
4-France is bigger than sweden
5-The weather is Florida hotter than in english
6-Travelling by plane is faster than travelling by car but it is more expensive
7-Staying at a hotel is more comfortable than camping
8-Hitch-hiking is more dangerous than tacling a taxi but it’s…

J’espère que ça vous a aidé
Bonne soirée
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