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Bonjour pour demain je doit passé à l’oral avec mon amie et la question c’est Qu’est ce c’était les blitz faire un petit texte en anglais pourriez vous m’aidez s’il vous plaît

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :

salut  je te donne ceci , tu n'as plus qu'a approfondir cette notion :

The Blitz is the strategic bombing campaign during the Second World War carried out by the German air force against the United Kingdom from September 7, 1940 to May 21, 1941. It is the most famous operation of the Battle of Britain .

Bonjour, :)

Réponse :

What does "BLITZ" mean?

"Blitz" is an abbreviated form of the German word "Blitzkrieg", which means lightning war.

When did the BLITZ start?

The shelling officially began at 4:56 p.m. On September 7, 1940, when German bombers attacked London in an attack known as 'Black Saturday'.

How long did the lightning (BLITZ) last?

The blitz lasted 8 months and 5 days from September 1940 to May 1941.

Which city was the most bombed?

London was the most devastated city.

How many people died in an instant?

About 43,500 civilians were killed and another 139,000 were seriously injured.

Why did the Blitz take place?

The Blitz began with bombardments aimed at destroying strategically important airbases and factories.

The Luftwaffe pilot en route to the military target veered off course and accidentally dropped bombs on central London. The British, who believed the bombing was deliberate, reacted similarly by bombing the German capital, Berlin.

And that's how it all started...

Voilà, en espérant vous avoir aidé :)

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