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Bonjour quelqu'un pourrait m'aider SVP
Ex :
Un hold-up a eu lieu. Rédige les questions correspondant aux informations manquantes :

a) When I saw the man, he was standing ...
b) I saw two men! They were wearing ...
c) When the hold-up took place, I was walking to the cinema with ...
d) When they came into the bank, it was ... o'clock sharp
e) I ... when I saw two men in a sportscar, wearing masks.
f) I took a torch to ...​

Sagot :



Rédige les questions correspondant aux informations manquantes

a- Where was he standing when you saw the man ?

b- What were they wearing ?

c- Who were you walking with when the hold-up took place ?


 With whom were you walking ?

d- What time was it when they came into the bank ?

e- What did you do when you saw the men?


What were you doing ?

tout dépend si c'était une action en cours (be V-ing) ou une action courte (preterit simple)

f- Why for did you take a torch ?


Je ne pense pas que ce qui n'est pas en gras soit obligatoire à recopier...


Bonne fin de soirée ☺☺☺