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bonjour je besoin d'aide svp merci d'avance

Choose the best verb form to fill the gaps in these sentences.

a)My grandfather hated retirement because he (réponse ) so busy when he was working. (1) had been. (11) was

b Ishould have arrived earlier, the food (réponse. ) by the time I got there. (i) had already been eaten " (i) was already eaten

c I'm exhausted. I. (réponse) all the way from the station. (i) had run

d Juan married very young, but he (réponse) had wife since childhood. (1) had known (ii) knew

e The house feels cold even though l (réponse)
the heating this morning. (i) had turned on (ii) turned on (ii) ran his the​

Sagot :

b) had already been eaten
d)had known
e) turned on