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8: There I(notice)..
how important it (be)............... to speak foreign languages
9: Now 1(have)
... much more fun learning English than I(have)..............
before the course.
10: At the moment i (revise) venising English grammar.
11: And I (begin/ already) read the texts in my English textbooks again.
12: I(think)
I(do)............. unit every week.

Sagot :

Réponse :

8: There I notice

How important it is to speak foreign languages


9: Now 1(have)

Have much more fun learning English than I have

before the course.

10: At the moment, I revise venising English grammar.

11: And I begin to read the texts in my English textbooks again.

12: I think

I do one unit every week.

J'espère que ça t'a aidé

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