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Writing (entrainement à l'expression écrite): You are at a birthday party.
Imagine the scene of what you can see. (50 mots environ).

Sagot :




Mael's birthday party is super cool! I see tons of balloons of all colors flying in all directions, and in the center a magnificent tan and pink cake with Happy Birthday Mael written on chocolate paper! I see Mael dancing with his friend Nathan and Lila laughing out loud. This party is really great!

voilà !

Salut !
J’ai fais de mon mieux :)
Today, my best friend celebrate her 14years olds. We celebrate her birthday party at home. This is incredible ! Some letters decorate the wall, I can read « Happy Birthday ! ». There are balloons, and there are lot of candies !!! And she cooked a pink cake with written « 14 years old (change l’age en fonction de ton age) !!! » on chocolate paper. We ate chocolate all of the afternoon, that was so cool.
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