Answered offre une plateforme conviviale pour trouver et partager des connaissances. Notre plateforme est conçue pour fournir des réponses précises et complètes à toutes vos questions, quel que soit le sujet.

Bonsoir pouvez-vous m’aider avec cette exercice merci d’avance :)
Make sentences expressing condition.
You will become a scientist / you study maths.
You will become a scientist if you study maths.
a. I go to Paris / I will see the Eiffel Tower.
b. Michael becomes an astronaut / he will walk on the
c. She goes to university / my sister will be a teacher.
d. She works hard / Laura will become rich and famous.

Sagot :




a) If I go to Paris, I will see the Eiffel Tower

b) If Michael becomes an astronaut he will walk on the moon

C) if she goes to the university my sister will be a teacher

D) Laura will become rich and famous if she works hard

Bonne soirée

I will see the Eiffel Tower if I go to Paris.

If Michael becomes an astronaut, he will walk on the moon.

My sister will be a teacher if she goes to the university.

Laura will become rich and famous if she works hard.
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