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j’la irais besoins d’ un petit paragraphe sur le film harry potter pour dire je n’ aime ou je n’ aime pas sa en venter c’est se n’ est pas grave ( en anglais svp)

Sagot :

ok alors
jfkznfisbzigbzogogozofnckeiegig dsl j'espere tu va y'arriver c juste que faut que jreponde a une question avant d'en poser une force
Harry Potter is an amazing movie, but I couldn’t say it is my favorite one’s. Obviously, the actors are really good and endearing and the story is fantastically made. But I feel like it is overrated. I don’t like all of the scenes because I am not really into magical and fantasyland. As I’ve read the books, I can admit it is really similar and well played but I prefer the book because imagining harry or other characters as I want makes me really more into the story.