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Bjr aidez moi svp je dois faire un dialogue sur un détective et les ou le suspects en anglais en utilisant le prétérit simple ou le prétérit be + V ing
Je dois le faire pour demain. Merciii​

Sagot :

detective(D): I am going to ask you some questions, reply with all the elements you have
suspect(S): Yes, I always say the truth
D: Where were you when the killer went out of the room?
S: I was playing with my siblings and I was not expecting that someone was here.
D: I should call your mother to explain her the situation, but when you called the police, I instantly left my phone at police post.
S: You can use mine!
D: Thanks, why there is blood, were you really enjoying a moment with your family, or were you having a funny moment with your dad’s killer?
S: Terrible, u were not supposed to see that. And no, I wasn’t doing that, I killed my father and I am the killer