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J'aurai besoin de votre aide svp en anglais sur le PRETERIT SIMPLE
During the winter holidays, I ........(go) skiingin the Alps. I ........(spend) time with my family and we .......... (play) board games. We ...... (not play) video games and we ....... (not go) to the cinema but we .......... (have) a lot of fun.


Sagot :

During the winter holidays, I went skiing in the Alps. I spent time with my family and we played board games. We didn't play video games and we didn't go to the cinema but we had a lot of fun.

During the winter holidays , I went skiing in the Alls. I spent time with my family and we played board games. Ee didn’t play video games and we didn’t go to the cinema but we had a lot of fun.
Voilà j’espère t’avoir aider.
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