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bonjour vous pouvez m'aider pour un travail en anglais . SVP (VOUS POUVEZ M'ÊTRE LES RÉPONSES QUE VOUS VOULEZ) .je vous remercie d'avance !!!!!!​

Bonjour Vous Pouvez Maider Pour Un Travail En Anglais SVP VOUS POUVEZ MÊTRE LES RÉPONSES QUE VOUS VOULEZ Je Vous Remercie Davance class=

Sagot :

Hello, here is some brief answers for the survey :

3 times a week after school, and even before at dawn, when i've faith (3), I'll run to keep me fit (1). Anyway, it's close to my house in a huge deserted football field (4), and i can run for one hour peacefully, so we can say 3 hours a week and what I can say, it's a lot (2) !  

For now, I'm alone (5). I don't have anyone to run with. But it's fine you know, with good musics it can be nice!

Finally, I don't watch anything on TV except Amazon Prime, because i'm not interested in football, basketball or any sport programmes on TV (6).

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