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f. If everyone makes an effort, we ... the planet! c 3 Some neighbours of Richard Polson have decided to follow his example. Unscramble the sentences to learn about their new life a. We / drive / to / everywhere / used b. We / waste / anymore / energy / not to /try c. We / to / protect / use / the environment / didn't d. We / the / have / still / internet e. We / every day / baths / used / have / to f. We / lights / to / didn't / switch off / use g. We / plastic / anymore / throw away / don't / h. We / believe in / the / still / future 4 Read the clues and unscramble the letters to find words

Sagot :

Save the planet
We used to drive everywhere
We try to not waste anymore energy
We didn’t use to protect the environment
We still have the internet
We used to have baths every day
We didn’t use to switch off lights
We don’t throw away plastic anymore
We still believe in the future
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