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Sagot :



Réponse :

On Christmas Day, a football match was played between German and British

troops on the Western Front. It all started with a British soldier kicking a

football  match out of his trench.The Germans then joined in. It was reported

that Germany won the match 3- 2.

At midnight, in one part of the trenches, a flare was lit to tell  the soldiers to

return to the trench.

The truce went on until the New Year in other parts of the Western front.

Explications :

Le jour de Noël, un match de football a été joué entre les troupes allemandes

et britanniques sur le front occidental.

Tout a commencé avec un soldat britannique frappant un ballon de football

match hors de sa tranchée....

Il a été rapporté que l'Allemagne a remporté/gagné le match 3 - 2.

A minuit, dans une partie des tranchées, une fusée a été allumée pour dire

les soldats à retourner dans la tranchée.

La trêve a duré jusqu'au nouvel an dans d'autres parties du front occidental.


On Christmas Day, a football match was played between German and British troops on the Western Front. It all started with a British soldier kicking a football match out of his trench. The Germans then joined in. It was reported that Germany won the match 3 - 2.

At midnight, in one part of the trenches, a flare was lit to tell the soldiers. It was time for them to return to the trench fighting.

The truth went on until the new year in other parts of the Western Front.

J'espère que m'a réponse t'a aidé ^^

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