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Bonsoir vous pouvez m’aidez svp c’est en Anglais

Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant le verbe entre parenthèses :

1. Hiromi (teach) me to speek Japanese in a year. She was a great teacher.
2. I (see) Tina last week - she looked very well.
3. Eight people (ring) while she was out.
4. I (leave) my sunglasses at school this morning. I had to go back.
5. I (tear) my pant when I fell off my scooter.
6. I think you minsunderstood me. I (mean) « bad » not « brad » !
7. I (hurt) my arm playing tennis this morning. I can’t go to the gym this afternoon.
8. I’m sorry that I (forget) to call you last night.
9. Lunch was great. I (have) lasagna. She (drink) all the milk yesterday.

Sagot :

Bonsoir voilà.

1: Hiromi teached me to speak Japanese in a year. She was a greate teacher
2:I saw Tina last week - she looked very well
3:Eight people ringed while she was out
4:I left my sunglasses at school this morning.I had to go back
5: I teared my pant when I fell of my scooter
6:I think you misunderstood me. I meant « bad » not « brad »


Réponse :

1. Hiromi taught me to speak Japanese in a year. She was a great teacher.

2. I saw Tina last week - she looked very well.

3. Eight people rang while she was out.

4. I left my sunglasses at school this morning. I had to go back.

5. I tore  my pant when I fell off my scooter.

6. I think you minsunderstood me. I meant « bad » not « brad » !

7. I hurt my arm playing tennis this morning. I can’t go to the gym this afternoon.

8. I’m sorry that I forgot to call you last night.

9. Lunch was great. I had lasagna. She drank all the milk yesterday.


Explications :

Tous les verbes entre parenthèses à mettre au prétérit  sont irréguliers.

( leur prétérit est à apprendre par coeur )

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