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Bonjour serait-il possible de m’aidez pour cet exercice merci d’avance!

Maintenant, transformez les phrases suivantes en phrases à la
forme passive.
1. They dealt with all the tricky questions.
2. Nobody can sit on that chair.
3. I'm afraid you can't rely on that kind of man.
4. They are repairing our car at last! 5. We will have to send for a doctor.
6.Now I understand the reason why they are all making fun of her.
They congratulated him on his behaviour

Sagot :

1: all the tricky questions will be dealt by them

2: that chair can't be sat on

3: that kind of men can't be relied on

4: Our car will be repaired by them at last

5: A doctor is send by us

6: (je suis pas sûre désolée)

7: His behavior has been congratulated

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