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Choisis entre Be et Have.

a. My name ... Tom. I ... red hair and my eyes ... brown. I ... tall for my age. l'... in love with Kate. She ... so beautiful! She ... blue eyes and her hair ... short and brown. She ... tall and slim.

b. I ... Superpupil, I... 11 years old. I ... a beautiful costume. My assistant ... 9 years old. He ... a magic ruler and a flying schoolbag. He ... clever, but I ... a lot of experience. ​

Sagot :

a. My name is Tom. I have red hair and my eyes are brown. I am tall for my age. I'm in love with Kate. She is so beautiful ! She has blue eyes and her hair is short and brown. She is tall and slim.

b. I am Superpupil, I am 11 years old. I have a beautiful costume. My assistant is 9 years old. He has a magic ruler and a flying schoolbag. He is clever, but I have a lot of experience.

Attention : surtout mettre le verbe BE pour indiquer l'âge !

Good evening

My name is Tom.
I have red hair and my eyes are brown.
I am tall for my age .
I’m in love with Kate .
She is so beautiful !
She has blue eyes and her hair is short and brown.
She is tall and slim.

I am superpupil, I am 11 years old.
I have a beautiful costume.
My assistant is 9 years old.
He has a magic ruler and a flying school bag.
He is clever , but I have a lot of experience.

I am
You are
He / she is
We are
You are
They are

I have
You have
He / she has
We have
You have
They have

Have a good evening
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