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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider svp ? merci

11) Mettez les verbes au présent en be + V-ing ou au présent simple.

a. Oscar always... his glasses at home. (forget)
b.... Lilly... on the computer right now? (work) c. Ok, I... with you in a few minutes. (come)
d. Where... poets ... their inspiration from? (get)
e. 1... videos from the internet. (download - not)
f. Shh! We... our English lesson. (study)
g. You ... very happy nowadays. (seem)
h. The food is terrible, I ... it. (enjoy - not)
I. .....the clients ... the new offer? (reconsider) ​

Sagot :

Good morning

Oscar always forgets his glasses at home.

Is Lilly working on the computer right now ?

Ok , I am coming with you in a few minutes.

Where are poets getting their inspiration from ?

I don't download videos from the internet.

Shhh! We are studying our English lesson .

You seem very happy nowadays.

The food is terrible, I am not enjoying it.

Are the clients reconsidering the new offer ?

Have a good day

Good morning

Oscar always forgets his glasses at home.

Is Lilly working on the computer right now ?

Ok , I am coming with you in a few minutes.

Where are poets getting their inspiration from ?

I don't download videos from the internet.

Shhh! We are studying our English lesson .

You seem very happy nowadays.

The food is terrible, I am not enjoying it.

Are the clients reconsidering the new offer ?

Have a good day

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