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bonsoir j’ai besoin d’aide pour un exercice à rendre demain en anglais niveau 3e s’il vous plaît !!

Remets les phrases dans l'ordre, puis complète par un
marqueur chronologique.
once after one day - from then on - in the end
they spent a lot of time together preparing their wedding,
there was a prince who lived in a big castle.
the wedding took place and everyone was happy.
a few visits, the prince proposed to her, and she accepted.
a princess came by and the prince immediately fell in love.

Sagot :



Once there was a prince who lived in a big castle.

One day a princess came by and the prince immediately fell in love.

After a few visits, the prince proposed to her and she accepted.

From then on they spent a lot of time together preparing their wedding.

At the end the wedding took place and everyone was happy.


Once > il était une fois

From then on > à partir de là, de ce jour..

To propose to someone > demander la main


Bonne journée

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