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Quelqu’un peut m’aider svp

Merci de m’aider au plus vite svp

Quelquun Peut Maider Svp Merci De Maider Au Plus Vite Svp class=

Sagot :


L.A is a much bigger city than Paris.
Paris is a much smaller city than L.A.

France is smaller than Russia.
Russia is bigger than France.

Kate is 2 years older than John.
John is 2 years younger than Kate.

David is 5cm taller than Charlotte .
Charlotte is 5cm shorter than David.

Football is more interesting than tennis.
Dragons are much bigger than dogs.

Platinum is less expensive than gold .
Gold is more expensive than platinum.

Plastic is much cheaper than gold .
Gold is much more expensive than plastic.

The Eiffel Tower is bigger than Big Ben. The Eiffel Tower is higher than Big Ben.
Big Ben is smaller than the Eiffel Tower.

Je te laisse trouver pour les 2 derniers .

J’espère t’avoir aidé

Have a good evening

L.A. is bigger than Paris.

France is smaller than Russia.

Kate is older than John.

Football is a better sport than tennis.

A dragon is less nice than a dog.

David is taller than Charlotte.

Platinum is rarer than gold.

Plastic is less prestigious than gold.

The Eiffel Tower is higher than BigBen.

Mary Poppis is as beautiful as Alice.  

A house is more spacious than a flat.

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