
Trouvez des réponses à vos questions les plus pressantes sur Trouvez des solutions rapides et fiables à vos problèmes grâce à notre réseau de professionnels expérimentés.

1. We have visited the house.... talked about.
2. Sam was the only pupil.....
found the answer.
3. The secretary said I was late............. was true.
4. The brother has signed is a fake.
5. This is the sixth book I've written,.. ...isn't bad for a guy who's
only read two.
6. For every person.............. wants to teach there are approximately
thirty people who don't want to learn much.
7. Events in the past may be roughly divided into
those............. probably never happened.
8. This man.... I have already seen, is brown-haired.
9. I know people.........
parents started from nothing.
10. I have seen a skyscraper............ was designed by Norman
...... Arthur Miller wrote, is about the witch-
11. This play,.........
hunt in Salem.
1 sur 1

Sagot :


1) that

2) who

3) what

4) that

5) which

6) who

7) that

8) that

9) that

10) which

J’espère avoir pu t’aider !