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Bonjour aidez moi svp j’ai vraiment besoin d’aide !!!

Il faut que je réponde à cette question en anglais (si vous voulez vous pouvez rep en français et je traduirai) :

« Would you like to go to space? Do you think it is useful ? Why ? Why not ?
4 phrases minimum

Sagot :

Réponse :

« Would you like to go to space? Do you think it is useful ? Why ? Why not ?

4 phrases minimum

Yes i want to go to the space beacause its a new horizon for human the space have always fascinate the humanity and the human always dream about the space i thinks its usefull for the humanity to go to the space because we need to learn about other place than the earth beacause one day we can be need to travel to an another planet

why not?: to be an astronaut we need to study extremly hard and be excellent in school and also an excellent health and finally we need team spirit

si tu aime -> yes i want go to space why not? i think it useful !!

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