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⦁ In 1628 Parliament presented King Charles with the ________________________________________ which was Parliamentary declaration of the rights and liberties of the people. The king reacted by ________________________________ Parliament. From 1649 to 1666 England was a republic. That time was called the ________________________________ as Oliver Cromwell called himself the lord _____________________________. He refused the title of __________________________. When he died in 1658 his son became the new leader.


Sagot :

Réponse :

In 1628 Parliament presented King Charles with the Petition of Right

which was Parliamentary declaration of the rights and liberties of the people. The king reacted by ________________________________ Parliament. From 1649 to 1666 England was a republic. That time was called the Interregnum as Oliver Cromwell called himself the lord Protector. He refused the title of King. When he died in 1658 his son became the new leader.

Voilà, je suis pas sure pour la deuxième dsl!

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