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bonjour, jai besoin d'une autobiographie de Gandhi en anglais facile à apprendre svp.
Merci d'avance

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gandhi is born in Porbandar on October 2, 1869 and assassinated in Delhi on January 30, 1948, is a political leader, important spiritual guide of India and the movement for the independence of this country. He is commonly known and called in India and in the world as Mahatma Gandhi or even simply Gandhi, Gandhiji or Bapu ("father" in several languages in India). “Mahatma” being however a title which he refused all his life to associate with himself. He was a pioneer and theorist of satyāgraha, of resistance to oppression through mass civil disobedience, this theorization was based on ahiṃsā ("non-violence"), which helped lead India to independence. Gandhi inspired many liberation and civil rights movements around the world. His critical analysis of Western modernity, of forms of authority and of oppression (including the State), are a questioning of the development which influenced many theorists and political leaders.

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