Trouvez des réponses à vos questions avec l'aide de la communauté Obtenez des réponses détaillées et bien informées de la part de notre communauté de professionnels expérimentés.

IV. Répondez aux questions suivantes qui concernent vos habitudes (en semaine)
en donnant le plus de détails possible :
1. What do you usually eat and drink for breakfast ?
2. How do you usually go to school in the morning ?
3. Where do you eat at lunch time?
4. When/What time do
your homework?
5. How often do you watch television ? How long ?
6. What do you like watching on TV?

IV Répondez Aux Questions Suivantes Qui Concernent Vos Habitudes En Semaine En Donnant Le Plus De Détails Possible 1 What Do You Usually Eat And Drink For Break class=

Sagot :

1)I usually eat rice and drink orange juice

2)The morning I wake up at 6o'clock I go to the bathroom,I take my breakfast and I go

3)I eat in the place of recreation.

4)I can take more of one hour for do it.2hours if it's difficult and long.

5)I watch television rarely I don't like it very well.

6)I like to watch action films and fear films.

So thank.i hope I answer the questions very well

Good evening

1/ I usually have some toasts with jam and a cup of tea with a bit of milk.

2/ I usually go to school by bus , because the bus stop is next to my house.

3/ I eat at the school canteen because I don’t have time to go back home.

4/ I always do my homework after 5.30 because I come home at 5 o’clock and I have to eat my snack before my homework.

5/ I watch television about an hour a day when there is school the next day and about a few hours when there is no school the next day.

6/ I like to watch cartoons on tv
I like to watch documentary on tv.

7/ I play video games everyday for about an hour.

8/ I usually go to bed at 9 o’clock,

Voilà, j’espère t’avoir aidé

Have a good evening
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