Rejoignez la communauté et obtenez les réponses dont vous avez besoin. Posez n'importe quelle question et recevez des réponses immédiates et bien informées de notre communauté d'experts dévoués.

Le présent simple
Complétez les phrases au présent simple.
a. Damian (be)... a good musician. He (play)...
the piano and the bass guitar.
b. (play)... you.
... a musical instrument?
Yes, 1... /No, I...
C. (live) your favourite actor ... in France?
Yes, he/she ..../ No, he/she ....
d. (work) Where ... the American President
He/She ... at the White House.
e. (not like) Dan and Sarah ... horror movies.
They (prefer)... comedies.
f. (rain) It usually ... in winter.

6 Le Présent Simple Complétez Les Phrases Au Présent Simple A Damian Be A Good Musician He Play The Piano And The Bass Guitar B Play You A Musical Instrument Ye class=

Sagot :


a. Damien is a good musician. He plays the piano and the bass guitar.

b. Do you play a musical instrument ? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

c. Does your favorite actor live in France ? Yes, he does. / No, she doesn't.

d. Where does Pesident Obama work ? He works at the White House.

e. Dan and Susan don't like horror movies. They prefer comedies.

f. It usually doesn't rain in winter.

Bon Courage ; )