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Salut vous pouvez m'aider merci d'avance Simple past: negative sentences and questions. Deborah wants to know what happened when her best friend, Fiona, went to a concert last week Imagine her questions. You can use the following vocabulary
-wear a suit
-go by bus
-meet people you know
-speak to the singer -shout "Patrick !"
-touch your idol
-sing and dance on the stage
-get an autograph
-come back before midnight
-take photos
Imagine what she said to reply to Deborah's questions. Explain what really happened during the concert. Use words about the places, the people, the time and actions In fact, Fiona always answers with negative sentences.​

Sagot :



what are you wearing ?

I wear Mark suit.

we're were you ?

I was at Patrick Bruel show ! and i could even touch him ! his my idol you know !

you took photos ?

yes ! a lot !! and I get an autograph !

when did you come back home ?

don't worry ! I came back before midnight ! and I meet people I knew ! Loïse and Mark ! we're dancing on the stage !

how did you get home ? you drive ?

no ! i went there by bus !

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