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Question 1 a 6 pour l image en haut à droite

Question 1 A 6 Pour L Image En Haut À Droite class=

Sagot :

1/ At first i can see a women who is looking herself in a mirror 2/groupe3/ i think this is the aspect of an narcissistic women and artist because she have drawing of herself to 3/At the first i have the feeling like she likes to paint or do art with herserlf 4/ i can see drawing,painting,picture of the women and she is even looking at herself in the mirror 5/i think the artist want to show us women and their self-image because the women have lot of representation of herself but it can also be art from her 6/I think generally yes women are more like this than man but it depends on the person and the point of view personally i think with this talent she can maybe change person’s in her art