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Conjuguez au preterit simple ou continu/progressif : a- Where / your sister / to live / from 2009 to 2013? b- You/to sleep / like a baby: I/not/to want /to wake you up! C- The bomb / to blow up/ when the Boeing / to fly / over the Pacific Ocean. d- When he / to begin / his speech at a quarter to seven, these journalists / not / to listen to him: they / to comment/ the latest revelations on Twitter. e- Which project/ the architects /to work on when they / to hear / about their dismissal? Aidez-moi svpp ​

Sagot :




A - Where your sister lived from 2009 to 2013

B - You was sleeping like a baby

C - The bomb was blowing up when the Boeing flyed over the Pacific Ocean

D - When he began his speech at a quarter to seven, these journalists didn't listening to him, they was commenting the latest revelations on Twitter

E - Which project the architects were working on when they heard about their dismissal