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bonjour vous pourrez m aider svp ? first. you have to chose you favourite plantation tour.
Then you have to Write à paragraph to explain why.

You must use expressions of opposition express your opinion thé comparative forms .​

Bonjour Vous Pourrez M Aider Svp First You Have To Chose You Favourite Plantation Tour Then You Have To Write À Paragraph To Explain WhyYou Must Use Expressions class=

Sagot :

I chose Gray Line-White Plantation Tour, because they show people how slaves worked 200 years ago, and make them realize what a good life they have now, and it also allows people who like history to learn more about it, more about that subject, and also because I also would love to visit it it must be so interesting, and the people who went there gave very powerful reviews, so i'm looking really forward to visit it someday, and the prices are so low it's only 67$ for an adult, 33$ for children, it has 31 tours depart at noon. And it even has other plantation tours like, ghost tours, swamp tours, and much more.

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