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1. Washington DC / not big / capital city

2. Joe Biden / Washington DC / the American President / live

3. New York City / not capital / The Statue of Liberty

4. Stars and Stripes / Blue, white and red / the American flag

5. fifty states / a nation / the USA

6. Washington DC / the White House / capital city

toute les phrases il faut les construites avec un ou plusieurs relatifs, aidez moi svp!!!!​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1- The capital of Washington DC is not big.

2-Joe Biden is the American President and he lives in Washington DC.

3-The Statue of Liberty is not the capital of New York City.

4-The American flag is Blue, white and red and it got stars and stripes.

5- The USA is a nation of fifty states

6-The White house is in the capital city of Washington DC.

i hope it's correct


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