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someone help me out, thanks tho
●Fill in the blanks with words from the list: guidance- styles- careless-freedom-old-fashioned- rebel- associations-support-skills-authoritarian- untidy- tastes- criticise
1. Young people like ....., and usually....... against adults' rules.
2. Some adults think that youths are...... and 3. Some youths think that adults are ......and.....and.....
4. Youngsters need their parents ....... and.......to grow and flourish.
5. Parents shouldn't ......... and ........ their children's...... and.....
6. Parents should help their talented youths develop their...... in order to achieve their dreams and wishes,
7. it's very interesting to encourage young people to participate in....... and get involved in politics.​

Sagot :



Réponse :

●Fill in the blanks with words from the list: -  

1. Young people like freedom, and usually rebel against adults' rules.

2. Some adults think that youths are careless and  untidy

3. Some youths think that adults are old-fashioned .and authoritarian and....X.

4. Youngsters need their parents guidance and support to grow and flourish.

5. Parents shouldn't  criticise and ...X..... their children's tastes and styles

6. Parents should help their talented youths develop their skills in order to achieve their dreams and wishes,

7. it's very interesting to encourage young people to participate in associations  and get involved in politics.​

Explications :

Il manque  2 mots ?

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